Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love, Love, Love

Love protected us as toddlers.
Love held our emotions together as teens.
Love steeled our nerves on our first job interview.
Love joined our hands on our wedding day.
Love created the babies in our wombs.
Love laughed with us at parties.
Love cried with us at the news of illness.
Love stood by our side at the funerals and losses.
Love rejoiced at our victories and triumphs.

Love called us beloved and called us by name.
Love would woo and pursue and chase us.
Love took us back each time we went astray.

Love loved utterly and completely.

Love died

For you

And me.

Today on Valentine's Day many will be sad- that they don't have another person's love chasing after them. But no matter who you are, Jesus is madly in love with you. He loves you so much. Come to him.

Some of us are very happy today. We are loved and we love. We who are blessed can widen the circle of our joy and give flowers, candy, cards to those in our lives who Hallmark decorations bring pain this time of year. The single, the widow, the one who has just been to a funeral, the sick, the dying, the hopeless.

The real secret in love is that the warmth, the joy, the best part is in the gift. So whether you feel lost or loved today. The best way to celebrate is to give.

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