Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't let the Recession Put the Squeeze on Giving

My natural tendency is to give what I have left over.
Lately, I've realized this isn't the best thing to do.

My friend Andi, just had her 5th child. She is a stay at home mom on a limited budget. We have been bouncing ideas around for her interview in the book project, Mercy Rising. I am blown away about how many times God has provided for her family. I love her spirit about giving first.

She came to mind as I listened to a web-cast on saving $. Sometimes giving might also mean cutting back in other areas. Need some ideas on cost cutting?

Visit Click on past programs - April 15th.
They also have some other great archives on orphan care, the AIDS crisis, and helping the poor.

Give generously and without a grudging heart. Then the Lord God will bless you and all the work you put your hand to. (Deut 15)

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